Is customization so important?

Hello, I’m asking here about my question hoping someone could help me.
I am currently following the 2d game developer course by Ben and Rick, and I am precisely “stuck” in the block breaker part; I said stuck because I started to feel unmotivated since some lessons ago, despite the course itself it’s REALLY good and it’s the same for the teachers. I like to follow what Rick does during the lessons but I am personally not enjoying too much customizing this type of game (block breaker), because first I don’t know how to design something for my game and second it takes me a lot of time. So, do you have any advices? Should I keep going on, maybe ignoring the design customization part or what? I think I like game dev but, as I said, I don’t feel too motivated, and I am not sure why.


First of all, everybody struggles and feels unmotivated from time to time. There will always be ups and downs. The good moments feel good because we also experienced bad moments. There is no “good” without “bad”, and no “motivated” without “unmotivated”.

Secondly, I don’t know in which lecture you are but the course projects are usually not that big. As for me, I usually feel rewarded when I get things done, and that’s what I’m focusing on: getting things done. Maybe you are the same. If you are, I would suggest to complete the project. If you don’t enjoy the part on customisation, just do what the instructor does to complete the task.

Thirdly, it’s fine to do the bare minimum. Just because you don’t customise your game right now, that doesn’t mean that your game will remain “boring” forever. Maybe you’ll feel inspired at a later juncture. Then you could open your project again and enhance it.

Last but not least, do what you enjoy and keep your goals in mind. If you feel unmotivated, take a break. Taking breaks is a crucial part of the learning process.

Hopefully, this helped you a bit. :slight_smile:

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