Il take swords for 200 alex

my two sets of swords for the corresponding challenges had fun but can see i definitely have the most trouble with misshapen line (granted i have a big belly in the way but still!)

i even took some time after the lesson to try to do a sword with better line work took me about 3-4 mins but my biggest issues are with alignment and distance il either over/under shoot or swerve the line a few degrees away still now that i know my flaws i can work on fixing them!

(btw i keep getting messages as to why i frame my ‘show my work’ comments like this the reason is so when other at the time discouraged untrained underdogs like myself read these they can look how i do when i finish this course to be like ‘’ wow if this guy sucked this bad but improved this much then i can too!)


Great designs. I see you drew cloud’s sword. Fantastic job!

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Practice! But also if you draw very thin lines, you get a framework to work on by setting more thicker line over and over. Then the final shape you di it in real black lines. Be confident in your strokes!

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