If I were looking to build a small team,

Hi there,
My name is Emanuel and I am in the middle of studying Csharp, its been awesome so far.
Along side this I am also starting to build a small demo for a game idea, if I were looking for recruits to build a small team, where would I go looking for sed recruits?

I feel like I am missing something, I know there are lots of students here in this community so I would potentially like to post, say an add, looking for artists or coders who specialise in Unreal etc…

Its a small but interesting project, that I have in mind and really would like to get it off the ground.

Thanks in advance for any advice

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Hi Emanuel,

I feel like I am missing something, I know there are lots of students here in this community so I would potentially like to post, say an add, looking for artists or coders who specialise in Unreal etc…

I think you just did didn’t you? :slight_smile:

We have a Collaborate category, this is typically the best place to start, a place to drum up a little interest and then move forward from there.

There is, of course, the Discord channel too which you could try.

Good luck with your venture! :slight_smile:

feel like such a lemon haha :joy:

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hehe, it’s no problem at all. When you have time, have a dig around the various categories on the forum and you’ll become more familiar with how it’s currently setup. :slight_smile:

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