I think I fixed it

I hope I did not DRY mu self. I have not yet looked at Bens solution.

public class Hacker : MonoBehaviour
	int level;
	Screen currentScreen;

	enum Screen

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()
		ShowMainMeny ();

	void ShowMainMeny ()
		currentScreen = Screen.MainMeny;
		Terminal.ClearScreen ();

		Terminal.WriteLine ("What would you like to hack into?");
		Terminal.WriteLine ("Press 1 for the local library");
		Terminal.WriteLine ("Press 2 for the police station");
		Terminal.WriteLine ("Enter your selection");

	void OnUserInput (string input)
		if (input == "menu") {
			ShowMainMeny ();
		} else if (currentScreen == Screen.MainMeny) {
			RunMainMenu (input);	
		} else if (currentScreen == Screen.Password) {
			RunPasswordMenu (input);

	void RunMainMenu (string input)
		if (input == "1") {
			level = 1;
			StartGame ();
		} else if (input == "2") {
			level = 2;
			StartGame ();
		} else {
			Terminal.WriteLine ("Please select a valid level");

	void RunPasswordMenu (string input)
		if ((input == "abc" || input == "def") && level == 1) {
			Terminal.WriteLine ("Correct password for level: " + level);
		} else if ((input == "123" || input == "456") && level == 2) {
			Terminal.WriteLine ("Correct password for level: " + level);
		} else {
			Terminal.WriteLine ("Wrong password for level: " + level);

	void StartGame ()
		currentScreen = Screen.Password;
		Terminal.WriteLine ("You have chosen the level " + level);
		Terminal.WriteLine ("Enter your password");



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