I got a weird error when adding a instance

I have done everything acording to Ben up until now, but my code just won’t work.
I got errors C4430, C2146, C2065 and C2228, I will send the print, but I don’t hope you will understand, as it is in portuguese
Here is my code, plz help mee

In section01.cpp, you have the following:

#include "fbull.h"
#include "stdafx.h"

Just swap the order of these includes, so that it becomes like this:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "fbull.h"

It should probably work now. “stdafx.h” should generally be the first include in the list, or weird errors might happen.

Note that, to make things simpler and less painful, you could have created the project without Precompiled Headers, which is what “stdafx.h” is about. If you want to disable them, so that you do not need to include “stdafx.h” anymore, follow my instructions in the following link:

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