I did it!

hehe… ok, now this I will definitely have to see, please feel free to tag me (@Rob) so I don’t miss it :slight_smile:

I will keep you posted :smiley:

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@Rob i fixed the spelling mistakes, and someone else noticed that when they pressed backspace it registered twice. so when i was making corrections i was looking for any errors that might cause that. then when i was testing i noticed that in unity the backspace registers once as it should, but as soon as i build with OpenGL and upload to ShareMyGame the backspace registers twice. any ideas?

This is actually an issue with the code provided to you in this section. I have raised this with Ben previously but it doesn’t look like it got resolved. The behaviour comes from the WM2000 code that you use in this project.

Oh Good! when it was raised in the discord i said that because i couldn’t find it i thought it must be something in the project files as that’s where the typing behaviour must be. thank you for confirming that. gives me confidence in my own logic lol

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I’ve just downloaded the WM2000 Unity Package from the course, I’ll take a quick look through and see if I can find anything.

I would have thought this behaviour would happen when you run the game within Unity also though, does it not?

no, only once it’s been built with OpenGL

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hmmm, curious…

Ok, I’ll have a quick look and see if there’s anything that I can see… seems odd…

i just had a poke around (i am a complete novice though) and the delete command is in the inputBuffer.cs but it all seems fine. do you think its an OpenGL issue?

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Ok, so I spent a lot longer messing with this than I really should have! If you make the following change to Keyboard.cs;

private void Update()
    bool isValidKey = Input.inputString.Length > 0;
    if (isValidKey)
    if (connectedToTerminal)
        if (Input.anyKeyDown)    // returns true the first frame the user hits any key

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

See also;

Ok so i have corrected the bug and also found and fixed another bug. so if you hold down the backspace with the current code, it will loop and play the keystroke sound over and over. so from the info you gave me i did this:

considering this game is the first piece of coding I’ve EVER done, I think I’ve learnt a good amount. 5 star course so far. thanks @Rob i’m going to make another post in this section with the bug fixed version of the finished project


Hey Sean,

Great to see you are experimenting and making changes, this confidence will continue to grow I am certain :slight_smile:

Regarding whether this is a bug or not, I did wonder about also making a chance to this;

    if (isValidKey)

…in the Update method yesterday, but a) I figured this wasn’t really the bug we were discussing and b) keyboards still make a sound when you tap a key even if there isn’t something to change on the screen, so I left it :slight_smile:

considering this game is the first piece of coding I’ve EVER done, I think I’ve learnt a good amount. 5 star course so far.

I’m sure @ben and the team will be delighted to hear this Sean, if you haven’t already, perhaps at some point consider adding a review to the course on Udemy :slight_smile:

I’m glad you didn’t fix the sound. Gave me the opportunity to discover and fix it myself lol.

I haven’t left a review yet, but i certainly will. I’m really enjoying it. The community set up has been great too. Love it

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I’m glad you didn’t fix the sound. Gave me the opportunity to discover and fix it myself lol.


I haven’t left a review yet, but i certainly will. I’m really enjoying it. The community set up has been great too. Love it

Really great to hear, thanks Sean :slight_smile:

Turns out I had left a very brief review in the first day or 2. but I’ve been so impressed and I’m so happy with the course so far that I had to edit it


Turns out I had left a very brief review in the first day or 2. but I’ve been so impressed and I’m so happy with the course so far that I had to edit it

Awesome, thanks Sean, all of the positive reviews and great feedback help the team to keep creating more great content and courses :slight_smile:


Great job! It was fun to play. I like your theme and the art you did


I really likes your theme and skull.

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thank you :slight_smile:

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Sorry I let it slip through when you caught it early Rob!


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