How to program a 2D car?

I completely understand you, I’ll just give you a course that might help because it’s taught by unity themselves:

This is unity pathways, if look through them and see which ones interest you the most, for me I was intrigued the most by mobile virtual reality, for you maybe it’s something else, I would recommend taking the unity essentials if you decide to try this out.

If you look through and decide this isn’t your thing, no big deal, I can always provide you with other tutorials that might click better, sometimes the teacher can make the difference.

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You should be able to do most of these yourself, already

  1. Variating traffic sprites so the traffic feels more realistic.
    For this, you simply need to make more prefabs of the cars (variants) and pick a random one from those

  2. A working High Score system.
    I don’t know how you plan to score, but this is simple enough (if you plan to keep it simple)

  3. Adding ‘Road Puddles’ that spawn the same way as the cars do.
    Puddles are really simple because they will just be ‘cars’ with no speed.

  4. Adding trees and other environmental assets the same way as the cars.
    Same as pubbles.

  5. Add a secret little “ horror minigame ” scene.
    Sounds interesting.

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Thanks for the recommendation, Christopher. I’ll definitely look into it.

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Yeah, I’ll give it my absolute best to try and do it myself.

P.S: The scoring system is supposed to be simple. Just like the original game, the current score keeps adding via the Update() function as long as the game keeps going. I just want the high score to be “personal best”. Which is stored and then shown on the game over screen and the main game. The player can break and extend their High Score.

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