As you requested here is the whole script StandUp_Gamer
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class EnemyMover : MonoBehaviour {
[SerializeField] ParticleSystem EndParticle;
[SerializeField] float moveSpeed;
[SerializeField]List <Waypoint> path;
private Transform toGoTo;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
//pathFinder is my waypoint calculator / breadths first search calculator
pathFinder pathfinder = FindObjectOfType<pathFinder> ();
//path is the list of waypoints in pathfinder from start to finish and is retrieved with a function to avoid unwanted editing
path = pathfinder.GetPath ();
//starts the followpath routine and passes it the path list from pathfinder
StartCoroutine (FollowPath (path));
void Update(){
Move ();
//runs every frame for smooth movement (could put in Update but if I needed to expand script/ add more functions to the update I would have to do this anyways)
void Move(){
float MovementSpeed = moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, toGoTo.position, MovementSpeed);
IEnumerator FollowPath(List<Waypoint> wppath)
//print ("Starting Patrol...");
foreach (Waypoint waypoint in wppath) {
toGoTo = waypoint.transform;
yield return new WaitUntil(() => isAtPosition(waypoint) == true);
ReachedEnd ();
//returns true when enemy has reached the position of the next waypoint
bool isAtPosition(Waypoint wp){
if (this.transform.position == wp.transform.position) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//things to do once object has reached end tile
void ReachedEnd()
var deathParticle = Instantiate (EndParticle, this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, this.transform.parent.transform);
deathParticle.Play ();
Destroy (deathParticle.gameObject, deathParticle.main.duration);
Destroy (this.gameObject);
//just a setter for scriptable objects
public void setSpeed(float speed){
moveSpeed = speed;
If you need any more help just ask, there are some lines in there that are unneeded until further into the course, like when you start to add fx etc.