I have been trying to make text glow on a rock based on the actors proximity. It was pretty easy to mock this up in a blueprint but I am having a hard time implementing this in code.
In my header file I have tried
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "MCParameters")
class UMaterialParameterCollectionInstance* = Inst;
and in the constructor of my code file I have tried
Inst = GetWorld()->GetParameterCollectionInstance(LocationCollection);
but I receive an undeclared identifier error. I know that I am receiving this error because I haven’t declared LocationCollection anywhere in code, this is just the name of my Material Parameter Collection asset in Unreal Editor.
What would be the best way to get this set up? I’m pretty sure I know exactly how to implement the SetVectorParameterValue function, just not get all the important information assigned…
Thanks in advance for the help!