Hot opportunities in the game industry video crashed

so i am going through the how to get a job in the video game industry course. I am using Chrome, and when it gets to the hot opportunities in the game industry video, the page appears to crash. when i check the chrome dev tools I see a few red errors, but the error that I am guessing is the issue is:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: undefined is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))
at HTMLElement. (11873727:3695)
at u (vendors~signupForms.d73b1e68bbd199f3ffc8.js:2)
at Generator._invoke (vendors~signupForms.d73b1e68bbd199f3ffc8.js:2)
at Generator.forEach.e. [as next] (vendors~signupForms.d73b1e68bbd199f3ffc8.js:2)
at n (11873727:3695)
at s (11873727:3695)

i am also not sure if this is the right place to put this, with the only three options from the course being talk, ask, and show, I assumed this would be the best place for that.

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