Hey guys a have a problem

I had a problem with my script i do everything step by step bud my console says nothing when i write in the game.
here is my script
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
ShowMainMenu(“Hello Ben”);
print("Hello " +“World”);

void ShowMainMenu (string greeting)
    Terminal.WriteLine("Welcome to the Source");
    Terminal.WriteLine("What would u like to Hacc ?");
    Terminal.WriteLine("1. Hack Marcels  ACC");
    Terminal.WriteLine("2. Hack Davids   ACC");
    Terminal.WriteLine("3. Hack Nerkos   ACC");
    Terminal.WriteLine(" Choose ur decision ");

void OnUserInput(string input)
        print("You Choose level1");


void OnUserInput(string input)
    if(input=="1")**;** - you don't need put ; here
        print("You Choose level1");

try this - 
void OnUserInput(string input)
        print("You Choose level1");

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Good spot!

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