Hey Duggee: Chaos++ Gameplay--

Just a bit of fun playing around, hasn’t really made the game worth playing, but:

  1. I added the ability to move the paddle on 2 axis (had to disable collisions on block to only ball game object and only when the ball becomes active/has started)
  2. When clicking space on the keyboard the ball(s) lock back to the paddle.
  3. When clicking “B” on the keyboard a new ball generates, which can then be launch by the usual mouse click

You could record a video (on win 10 it is “win + g”) and upload it to google-drive, dropbox, youtube …
and then share the link to the uploaded video.

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Thanks, It looks like others have embedded, I assumed they uploaded it here. Or have they embedded from the likes of YouTube?

Okay, so I just paste the URL and this site handles the rest :slight_smile:

I posted one of my videos like this:

And it seems embedded. (but it just a youtube link on a single line)

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