Help With GetComponent with a Collision Object

I am trying to access a value inside the object I collided with.
I have searched Google and I have tried various things.
This is what I have now, GetValue is just a public int Getter inside Walker:


Hello Retro,

What is the name of the walker’s script with the GetValue public int?? is it GetValue?

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Yes it is called GetValue()


but the script? the MonoBehaviour?

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Here is the Script trying to access Walker.GetValue()

And the Script that has GetValue() in it:

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you should be using:

walker = col.gameObject.GetComponent<Walker>();
TMP = walker.GetValue();

GetValue is the method inside “Walker” MonoBehaviour, GetComponent should be used to access the script in order to TMP access the GetValue()

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it worked? :confused:

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Thank you @Joao_Dalvi it is working.


Awesome!! :grinning:

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