[HELP] Smoke not appearing

yea i might have a crack and see if i can just fix it…if not i have the back up…its a good lesson on making regular back ups i think…i still have no idea tho how it happened…
like i was saying its not the only odd thing to happen…ive had the audio tracks move around too…reapplying them several times…like i have an audio for the initial crack then one for when the disappear…at least once the sound for the crack appeared in the bit for when the blocks disappear and i had to change it…ahaha…oh well…its all part of the learning process hey :smiley: cheers guys…ill get this back to where it was and see if i can make the smoke work XD

the other odd thing ill just note too is that level 1 is still technically intact…even tho the bricks break at the start…but its level 2 3 and 4 that are not…making me wonder if it really was a prefab change that did it…? shouldnt it have changed all over if that were the case…?

On level 1 the only level is intact brick layout but it keeps breaking i have just tried to move them out of the way and they are all still smashing on play…im wondering if ive accidentally messed with the code…?
I guess the only way is to rebuild and compare…very very odd…

From memory, the bricks on level one are not linked to the prefab. If you look, you’ll note that they are not blue in the Hierarchy, where as they are in the other levels.

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yer i noticed the colour difference too…it was all there tho…working and in order and then it wasnt and the only link i can think of is when i was moving the smoke code around and also i was having to reattach it to the prefabs more than once because it kept saying there was nothing there…but like it had done with the audio clips…i seriously dont know wtf happened hey…it was working one minuted and not the next…heck i play tested the other levels the night before…pretty much when i left it and then came back and then bam ahaha…
ive just decided to start again…i was always gonna have to run through it all again but i was hoping to finish it once first lololol i dont think it will take too long to get back to where i was…i have all the audio clips already and the brick prefabs which took me a long time to do should only take me a couple days really then maybe i can compare everything

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