Help for keep constant ball velocity in collider

when my ball collide my paddle in right or left wall it’s lose speed how i can do?


Did you assign a Physics2D material to the ball or to any other game objects? If so, remove that material.

no just ball has a material(Bouncy)

Have you tried to remove the material? Rick does the same in one of the videos.

remove whitch material? Ball material is bounce if i remove it ball will doesn’t bounce.

Did you test that?

obviously it doesn’t work

What do you mean by “it doesn’t work”?

As aforementioned, Rick removes the Physics2D material in one of the lectures. Furthermore, he sets the y-gravity to 0 in the Physics2D settings. The ball still bounces off the other colliders because the collision still happens, and the collision does not have anything to do with the Physics2D material.

sorry I thought you were wondering if I had removed the bounce material in the ball of course no but yes i already have remove the materiel that you say in Rick Course.

In which lecture are you? Have you already added the tweak to prevent the boring loop? If so, use values very close to 0f only, for example, 0.01f. 0.1f could be too high.

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