[Help] Ctrl + ' not working in MonoDevelop ?!

When trying to access Unity Scripting API through MonoDevelop " Ctrl + ’ " shortcut, i am redirect to this domain “https://unity3d.com/pt/support/documentation/ScriptReference/30_search.html?q=using” that is no longer available.
Is it possible to redirect the search to the local documentation ?

I have tried this so far :

mkdir "c:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\Documentation\Documentation"
mklink /D “c:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\Documentation\Documentation\ScriptReference” “c:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Documentation\html\en\ScriptReference”

Unity Version 4.6.9 f1
MonoDevelop Version 4.01


I found this:

It’s not a real fix, but can help somehow.

apologies for not seeing this thread earlier, but this post might help.

I need to rewrite it and see if its still viable with newer versions of unity and VS.

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