
My name is Nathan, and I’m currently in IT, looking to escape for something more like programming and development. I’m no stranger to programming, but I have never done it on a professional level, and I tend to stick to smaller-to-medium sized scripts. I’m not sure what I want to do just yet - for now, I’m enjoying the course and learning a ton.

As I’m writing this, I’m more than half way through the Block Breaker section. Along with my hello, I just wanted to say: thank you! I’ve taken my fair share of programming courses - enough so that I understand many of the core concepts and use them regularly (loops, functions, conditionals, arrays, objects, name spaces, classes, etc). This is far and away the best course I’ve ever had, though. More than anything, I love working on a larger-scale project like this. It’s a new experience, and one I’m deeply enjoying.

Also, it’s fun! I’ve always enjoyed the dual creative + problem-solving aspects of programming, but I’ve never taken a shot at building a game. This is the most fun I’ve ever had programming, and I love it.

Kudos to the GameDev.tv team. I will be sticking with your courses for a good, long while.

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Hello Nathan, welcome to the community and it’s great to hear you are thoroughly enjoying the course :slight_smile:

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