Health Pickup System for Laser Defender

I’ve added to the empty HealthPickup object which is the parent of pill_green earlier. Now I’ve removed it and added to the pill_green but now the pill is available at the start and player is able to pick it up.

Why it is available at the start now? I am really sorry about my never ending questions btw :sweat_smile:

aah okay it seems I forgot to add the pill_green to the health pickup controller game object with this new setup. It is woking now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have a final question hopefully, How I will make this pill spawn everytime player’s health reduces to 50% ? Even after picking it up for the first time? Or is there a way to randomize its spawn time throughout the gameplay?

If you remove the Destroy(gameObject) from the HealthPickup script, it will not get destroyed, but the controller will disable it. When the player’s health drops below 50% again, it will get enabled again.

Randomizing it’s spawn time can be done by randomly picking the level at which it appears. It is 50% now, but once the player takes it, you can pick a new value, like 75% or 22%. There are some things to consider with this, though: if the player has maximum 100 health and picks it up at 50 and gets 25 health added, they will have 75 health. If the new, random value is above 75%, it will not get disabled because the player’s health is still below the threshold.
To randomly pick a new threshold, you can just use Random.value. That’s a value between 0 and 1 and matches the health percentage. But you may not want that much range. Perhaps you want it between 25% and 60% (0.25f - 0.6f). For that you can just Lerp the value:

healthThreshold = Mathf.Lerp(0.25f, 0.6f, Random.value);

You will have to know when the health has been picked up, though. There are many ways to do that:

  • Fire an event from the HealthPickup script when it gets picked up, or
  • Find the controller and call a public method on it to pick a new threshold, or
  • Let the controller set a flag when it enables the pickup, and then - when it disables it, it can check if the flag was set and if it was, pick a new threshold and reset the flag
    and several more
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thank you so much for your support :heart_eyes:

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