=== H4CKsTat10N ===

The milestone of the first game available online has been reached! :smiley:
it might be a turd, not even a polished one, but it’s my unpolished turd(at least parts of it).

I would be very interested in peoples opinions on it, blind flattery is especially welcome ofcourse.


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Hey, how are you doing?

Awesome themes for your game (I might have already said this).

I loved the “Command Unkown” line that changes but still keeps the menu visible, great stuff!
Do you have any easter eggs on your game?

I found a bug though, whenever you hit the “backspace” key it deletes two letters instead of one.
This sounds like a problem on the assets (Provided by the course) so maybe you can find some answers about this on the Q&A for lecture 31 (?).

Best wishes, awesome work!

Hey Naarito, I’m fine, should be in bed but this course is addictive.

Thanks for checking it out, and the great feedback.

My game is littered with easter eggs

[spoiler]* on the main menu you can type ‘1337’

  • on the theme park level try to type ‘loop’
  • on the candy store level try ‘sugar’
  • on the illuminati level ‘conspiracy’ is worth a try[/spoiler]

Yeah, I’ve seen that bug also, seems like key repetition is a bit eager or something, I’ll look into it when I pick this game up again, too eager to move on right now. :blush:

Thanks again for the feedback, I tried yours, but I hit a language barrier… :wink:

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