Going for a surreal alien brutalist sort of theme

…I had been making this ship anyway when I started the course and I decided to use the Argon Assault section to give it a home! This is taken during animating the first level’s timeline, I wanted to make the “beats” of the level out of lots of close alien encounters along the path, so you’d stop and face off with these creatures rather than trying to hit them as they fly past.

I really want to have the enemies shooting back, but I think my dev knowledge still isn’t up to it. Maybe down the road but it’s starting to feel like time to move on with the course. At the moment they just zoom into you at the end of each encounter if you haven’t killed them.

Hope you enjoy, still lots of animating and polish left to do I think!


Your game looks amazing!

I suggest you continue with the course and then return to a particular project you liked and then modify it with everything you’ve learned to far, just be sure to keep coming back to it from time to time so you don’t forget what you were doing.

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Thank you very much! I will do that :slight_smile:

The look and feel of this world is something I’d definitely want to get into! Also really like the mechanic of having to hit the circular target-like parts of the enemies which adds a nice precision aiming aspect to the gameplay. Would be keen to try it if you publish it online.

Wow, very impressive!

This looks really good! I look forward to see your zombie game!

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