Gneiss Kitty's Level 1 Scene


I am very excited about all this! :slight_smile: :smiley:

Here are some screenshots of my Level 1 Scene. (GIFs were too big to upload :frowning:)

My level isn’t perfect. I call it the “easy” level anyway. I don’t have much in the level that prevents the player from just flying above everything from start to finish. I have in mind a fuel mechanic where the player needs to acquire fuel to have enough fuel to make it to the end. This will require the player to stay in the course, as flying away would mean certain death.

In this game, instead of using the power of fuel to fly around, you use the power of WOOL to navigate the levels.

For the player to do this, they need to come into contact a source of wool. In this level, it’s a poofy sheep. These poor, overheating sheep really need a shearing and are happy to help you out. Just land or bounce on top of them, and they will give you some of their wool. (This means they are friendly, will not cause death, and serves as a resting point for the player).

Poofy Sheep (See their skin is a little redder; they are very hot! Maybe I should add sweat drops XD):

Once we get to moving obstacles, I could add some birds and whatnot to make the course more difficult. It’s easy to cheese through it, however, I am quite terrible at this type of game. I die every playthrough haha

Another thing I’ve been experimenting with is allowing the player to move other objects for objectives

Currently, I want the player to be able to knock a bird off the power lines (the power lines are not friendly, but the bird is) and into the crops in the next area for a bonus of some kind. The hurdle at this time is getting them to stay on the power lines. Have to mess with their colliders more.

Finally satisfied enough to move on with this lecture haha

GK :smiley:


Here is a gif of a playthrough:


Amazing work!!! My type of art and I love the sheeps! :slight_smile:
Would love to try your game. Keep up good work!! :wink:

1 Like

This is some next level stuff, very nice! Honestly this almost looks like a finished product on an app-store. I love the simplistic but cool designs and the level of detail and aesthetic!


I love how comprehensive and creative you made this world! I think the addition of the birds and wool power is quirky and fun, really adds to the player experience! Can’t wait to play :slight_smile:

these are delightful! nice work.

simply amazing

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