GK's Terminal Input/Output Examples

Hello, hello.

Firstly, I redesigned my menu to make it a little more clear what the player needs to do to win and how to navigate through menus.

Secondly, Here are some input/output examples. (I put a red dot next to the input to clarify)

In addition to comparing the input to a number, I included the name of the organization AND the string associated with the difficulty level to hack as well.



I was able to compare the names of all cases by converting the string to all lowercase letters using this syntax:

else if (input == "2" || input.ToLower() == "college" || input.ToLower() == "moderate")
            Terminal.WriteLine("--You chose Lv 2 (Moderate)");

And lastly, I had a little fun:


Have a great day! :slight_smile::wink:


Very creative. Great idea to think of a load of different ways a player may want to access the different levels.

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a lot more sophisticated than mine - I like the input.ToLower () inclusion! Nicely done ^_~

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