Ghost Ship

This turned out to be such an interesting assignment and equally challenging! Fallout 2 has always been my favourite game, but now I’m completely mind blown by how much work must have gone into desiging that xD

I’ve spent the weekend desinging the first draft of the story flow for my first game. I feel like I learned a few valuable lessons along the way. First one was to keep scope manageable, as my immediate instinct was to go for creating an epic xD

Second was about structuring my writing workflow. Saturday, I spent the entire day trying to write out every possible scenario without having a clear idea of where the story went. That took incredibly long, and I was nearing desperation on Saturday night when I only had the first 3 boxes completed :expressionless:

Today I’ve restructured my approach and created a “skeleton” of the flow, with each box having a very rough outline of the events. This way I have the whole story outlined, have a feel for how the game will play through, and I feel much better knowing the exact scope I have to write now :slight_smile:


Aah I love ghosts! And ghost ships - couldn’t really read this resolution, however.

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Thank you NoaRG! Sorry for the resolution, that was mainly to hide my terrible writing xD The game is done now, and it’s here if you want to give it a go:

The writing is still pretty terrible though :slight_smile:


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