Getting this message when I compile, then not running the program

New programmer here. The program compiled and ran just fine with the single printf function, but when I added the 2 other printf functions, I get the below compiling message.

Once I ran the program, I got this screen in the terminal.

I’ve tried reading other questions posted on this video, but I don’t understand the answers that were given to be able to apply them and see if it fixes mine.

Have the same problem, have you found the solution yet?

Can you try running VSCode as an administrator and see if that changes the result?

If possible, also try moving the project to a different drive.

Tried running VSCode as an admin, no changes.

I also tried moving the project to a different drive, and the “hello” project file won’t move without admin permission which I don’t know how to change.

So, I kind of did what Tuomo recommended below when he said to try moving the project to a different drive.

I basically redownloaded the template folder from the Git site and installed it on my C: drive.
It works now.

Hope it works for you, too!

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