Game Design Document for GoHome

Asset image for the start
Asset clip for getting home.
No music

Future versions but not for this version.

Hidden Easter eggs, found away from the home.
Find other houses ect.

Assets: House, character, enviroment, Menu

Sound Effects: Walking, Victory, Menu sounds

Artwork: Character, House, Enviroment(trees, grass, floor)

Leave Out: Time restraining, enemies, obstacles, scoreboard, online features

Assets - Possibly 3d, A Character, enviorment, Menu, Congrats Screen. Will you like to play again Screen.

Sound Effects: Walking, congrats Sound, menu sounds when clicking buttons on the menu to start/quit.

Artwork: Character, House, Enviroment, Bushes, Trees, Dark Screen, Possibly Stars in the sky or in the building.
Leave out: Time to make a move, monsters, online features.

Beginning with the simpleā€¦

Assets: home, self, menu, feedback box, & scoreboard
Sound: closer sound indicator, further sound indicator, reaching home sound, and top score sound
Artwork: house, character, direction indicator, & textboxes
Leave out: music, complex graphics, 3d, various input devices, other modes (timed, added challenge, etc.)

First an intro screen, Maybe allow user to enter name
Over head view to starting point, flash initial starting point
menu showing keys used to play withā€¦ essential on PC or laptop
assets used: PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone
create scenery that scrolls by as you advance to target
an interactive feed back area showing distance and direction ( N< E<W<S )
enhancement? ( scene blurs as move away from target, brightens as move towards )
all games have music accompaniment; ours should not be without one eitherā€¦ something "peppy"
perhaps several avatars to request nominal directions fromā€¦ most who donā€™t knowā€¦ after all isnā€™t challenge everything?
ending fanfare when target is acquired

a player
thick but semi visible fog
A house with bright colors

Sound effects:
Some kind of sound to determine whether the player is getting closer home or further away from home


Intro: text, artwork (including character)
Game play: directional arrows, soundFX, distance marker
End: character/home art
No List: in-game art/scenery

Project Plan for Go Home Game


  1. Navigation arrows
  2. Map
  3. Home
  4. Score Keeper
    Sound Effects
  5. Travel sound
  6. Win Sound
  7. Background
  8. Placer object (You Icon)
  9. Win screen with Home
  10. Display distance
  11. Score Display
    What features to out
  12. 3d
  13. multiplayer option

Hi! To be honest Iā€™m not quiet a gamer. So it was a rather difficult task, and probably my results would seem boring. But this is what I thought we would need:
3D asset of home and main character
2D map or route, scores
2 types of sounds after the move, depending on whether you are getting closer or not. And a sound when you get home.
ARTWORK: map, home, character
LEAVE OUT: 3D space movement

Environment (Tree,Road, etc)

Atmosphere (?)

Landing Page
Buttons (Start, Pause, Arrows(?) )
Game End

Well, as this is supposed to be a simple text based game Iā€™d say we donā€™t need much. The story has to bring the game home (pun intended), and it would be nice to have some sort of graphic to help visualise the game a little, to introduce the user what to do non the less.

But say, we made this into a full game later onā€¦

I guess weā€™ll need a character asset and an environment of some sorts with there to belonging assets (the fog, trees, grass, asphalt, the home etc). :raising_hand::evergreen_tree::house_with_garden:

As for sound effects, foot steps would make it realistic, diegetic environmental sounds (birdā€™s singing, wind, crickets, owl, rain, thunder etc) and maybe even non-diegetic sounds as background music to help set the mood. Perhaps a sound tell on the device which is supposed to guide you home.

As the game is simple, Iā€™d say nay. But I guess artwork covers everything from a game cover to game assets. So Iā€™m not quite sure about this one.

So for my take on the go home game project, I think I will make the character be a cat trying to find its way back home after it gets out of the house and wanders a bit too far.

Assets Needed:

  • Character
  • Home
  • Environment

Sound Effects:

  • Walking
  • Ambient Sounds


  • Textures
  • Title Screen

Features Left Out:

  • Jump mechanics
  • Interaction with objects

What assets will you need?

  • 3D model of house, some vehicles, landscape; road, trees, etc.
    What sound effects?
  • Traffic, game over music, honking horns, hopping sounds, cartoon squish
  • Title splash screen, loading screen, main menu, game over screen
    What features will you leave out?
  • Multiplayer, power-ups; speed boosts, weapons, shrinking size, more polished advanced animations
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Title: Go Home!


  • Home
  • Direction indicator
  • Non-player objects
    ** vehicle, tree, mailbox, street sign, stop sign, rock


  • Title screen
  • UI elements (buttons: Start, Pause, Resume, Help. Quit)
  • Help screen
  • Score


  • theme music
  • ambient noise
  • footsteps
  • success/arrive home


  • multiplayer
  • voice commands
  • easter eggs


  • Character
  • NPC 's
  • Map (terrain, inanimate objects , etc)
  • Compass (3D or 2D)
  • UI (menu , buttons , distance indicator , launch screen )

Sound effects

  • Walk Sound
  • Turn Sound
  • Launch Sound
  • Completed Sound
  • Theme Music
  • Menu Theme Music
  • Button Press Sound
  • Quit Sound

Beyond v1.0

  • Leaderboards
  • Powerups
  • More Levels/Maps
  • Purchases/DLC

Game Design Document

What Assets will you need?

  • I think I really wouldnā€™t need it. I would try to go for a blinded game version as a black image as background for a blind guy.

What sound effects?

  • Environment effects like cars, park, birds and market.


  • Just for the main UI for the player.

What features will you leave out?

  • Visual displacement and scenarios, the playerā€™s creativity will be in charge of that.

Player appears in the middle of an island at midnight where they live as a lighthouse keeper which has been overcome with fog/pollution. player is practically blindfolded and is trying to not fall off a cliff or run into potentially harmful others

players character (neck down would be viewed)
general: trees, grass, roots, dirt, sand, water/ocean, moon,
generated fog
lighthouse with beacon
animals: snakes, birds, bugs (crickets etc)

Sound effects:
waves crashing
footsteps/crunching noises
light/heavy breathing
trees rustling
animal noises: hissing, cawing, wings flying, chirping,

menus: start/pause/exit, sound options (play/cancel)
buttons: walk/run

excluded extras: jump option, interacting with environment

For the game - Go Home

What are the requirements?

Text output that indicates where you are after each movement.
Congrats ā€œYou win!ā€ screen when you arrive home that logs number of turns, etc.
No visual elements required/ nothing fancy.


  • Start Screen/Options Menu UI
  • map UI
  • environment assets; grass, trees, sky


  • footsteps noises
  • environment noises; bird chirps, natural/outside environment noises
  • whimsical bg musical



  • ā€œmagic doorā€ that can teleport you either closer or further away from your home
  • puzzles or riddles from NPCs that give you directions


What assets will I need?

Mushrooms, grass, rocks, trees, sky.

What sound effects?

Movement noise, wind, animals, water maybe.


I would assume so. Iā€™m not experienced with VR so I canā€™t answer the question.

What would I leave out?

Anything unnecessary, too much detail, like birds flying or a plane flying overhead.

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