Last nite I actually discovered the tanks move after I shoot them. Then I played around with their spawn heights and they only seem to log after certain heights. I cant figure out what is going on because wether they trigger the function or not is very hard to determine based on where they are spawned. It is also hard to test because my project randomly been freezing ever since ben had us introduce spawning projectiles to the mix, even when the projectile lifespan is 1 second and reload time 999. Sometimes they get stuck I beleive due to the faulty lop-sided model provided by the course, or otherwise the faulty nature of the way the tank movement is coded at this stage; but when I log I can tell if they are trying to move or not.
This is getting beyond confusing because now I’m seeing them working at regular height except for ones that are too far away. It almost seems like the program behaves however it feels like. Ok yeah so i just placed some tanks in front of me, they worked. I placed one farther away. Didn’t work. I moved it closer to me, again, RANDOMLY STOPPED WORKING. Placed another in; great I have to wait 5 minutes for the frozen unreal program to actually close from task manager. Didnt get a chance to save an example for you , again; I’ve been trying to set up and example for you to see for the past hour but It keeps freezing and loosing the map data. I guess you’ll have to play around with differnt spawn heights, locations, and logs to see for yourself. Maybe play around with the nav mesh too and eye height idk; the differentiation in results is making this quite the beast of bugs.
The version here shows two tanks working and one a bit closer to the ground collision that randomly decides its not going to fire request direct move events. But the cause of this can be deceiving…
Oh also there was no need to make a log in move to actor as you suggested since the aim at and fire methods are always being called.
Oh yeah and I agree with Nicolas about the auto variable being confusing, or perhaps in his advice inconsistent/unreliable . But removing the auto keyword doesnt change anything, since it is still triggering methods that it can only call on TankPawns
Edit: Also just noticed that driving into a problematic tank caused it to fire events (instead of just shooting them). Its almost as though the AI controller is deeming them innactive and unworthy of fireing RequestDirectMove events or something. Wierdly enough, it has a wierd naming convention differnt from the tanks that are moving by default. IT is called TankPawn_BP_2_938. The others are simply named BP1,2 ect with no additional number. Its a bit of a long shot as to the cause though.