Firebase and Unity Videos

Hello everyone. The following is the original post, with an edit afterward.

If you’re not part of the Facebook group, I announced today that I’m going to be creating a series of videos on how to use Firebase and Unity together. This is useful for things like the cloud database, authentication, analytics, and loads of other things.

I’m intending to follow the route that Ben recommends in his TED talk where I teach myself the thing until I have it confidently and both sub- and consciously known, so it’s going to take some time, but I did produce the initial video on authentication already. It’s pretty basic and I rush through it because I was in a hurry due to work, but please feel free to leave feedback - and if you have a pressing need for any particular part of Firebase, let me know that too, so I can try to help you with it (feel free to message me here or on Twitter: @KyleTheCoder).

I’m intending to hopefully clean up my presentations at some point, but there were some more urgent needs for basic stuff on Facebook, so here’s a mostly-unprepared presentation on the stuff I already know: Authentication.

I’ve produced another rushed, poorly edited, but actually really useful (hopefully) video, this time on using the Firebase Database within Unity, as well as showing some nice classes that use ScriptableObject to make your life easier when coding, especially if you’re on a team working with designers who don’t like to code as much, or who aren’t capable of coding as much. Please send me messages here, on Facebook, or on Twitter if you have any questions!

The third video is up! Feel free to take a look. In this video, I actually explore building a real multiplayer game using Unity and Firebase. I’ve decided I need recommendations for better video editing software; please pass them my way, along with any criticisms you might have. Thanks!


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