Finished parapet to the ramp of mayan temple

I was not getting the loop cut because of some reason. So I selected the ramp face, duplicated it in same position, scaled it along y axis to get width, and I snap shifted it to one side of ramp. I extruded it along normal. Then, extruded the face of this parapet towards the room in global mode on x axis 2m. To fine tune, I selected the bottom edge and snap positioned it along the face of room. At the bottom side, I created a plain, extruded the face of parapet along normal to snap to face of plain I created earlier. The bottom edges were slided along to complete one ramp. I removed the doubles. I then selected the parapet (it was a little tedious and manual, as pressing L selected the entire model), duplicated it and positioned it on other side of ramp too.


There is no wrong way in Blender. So you solution is good.
There are however some concepts which will make working with Blender more efficient.
You will learn.

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