Final Render of Low Poly House

Great course, enjoyed it a lot - Grant is a great instructor!

My first time using Blender and it was awesome - looking forward to trying some more stuff out in the future.


Looking good, glad you’ve had some fun.
I would prefer a lesser greener blend …?


Good call, I was going for orange sunset kind of lightning but now that you mention it it does look more green than that.

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Had a go at some other lighting and it looks a lot better I feel. That’ll teach me to wear blue light filtering lenses while doing colour work!


Looks a lot better than my first time using blender :rofl: but yeah these renders look better than the first one. Nice work


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Very nice low poly island house and garden. I prefer the more realistic, less green sky version.


Welcome to the community.
I like the one with the blue sky and the one with night scene.The yellow lighting in the night scene looks soo cool! Amazing job. Have fun!!

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