Failed miserably?

Nope :slight_smile: Well… yes I must admit I failed at first, but after you said that “You probably failed miserably” I went ahead, stopped the video and looked deeper just to prove myself I can find it lol

Haha :laughing:. Seems like the gauntlet was picked up.

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I didn’t fail either, there was actually a cookie in standard assets/effects/lightCookies/textures. I popped in the flashlight one, It helped that I knew going in already what a cookie was. Going into debt to the Art Institute of Phoenix (digital film program) finally paid off for a moment! lol.

Didn’t fail aswell… because a quick research for “cookie” in the Unity Manual helped! Plus for once I actually love how they explained what it was and how it worked. Sometines I read something in the Manual and I’m like “ô.O… ?” XD.

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