Fade, using asset?


While I was looking for solution about fadein/out on scene I find package in assets store. With some modification it did the job.
Is it a good way to do or should I use my own scripts ?



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I think the main objective of the task was to get you to find a way of achieving it through code, that said, if you have found an asset that does this for you, then you have gained experience using the assets :slight_smile:

Take a look at coroutines if you haven’t already :slight_smile:

See also;

Ok, done … at least :smiley:

I finally found this tuto : http://gamedevelopertips.com/unity-how-fade-between-scenes/

And after about 2 hours of searching, reading, and understanding how the things work, I manage to change my levelmanager by the faderController :sweat_smile:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class FadeController : MonoBehaviour {

public float fadeTimer;
public Image fadeOutUIImage;
public enum FadeDirection
	In, //Alpha = 1
	Out // Alpha = 0

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
	fadeOutUIImage = GetComponent<Image> ();

void OnEnable () {
	// Fade Panel is active at begining so start fade Out

public IEnumerator Fade(FadeDirection direction) {
	// Fade depending on given Direction
	// Get the good alpha value
	float alpha = (direction == FadeDirection.Out)? 1 : 0;
	float fadeEndValue = (direction == FadeDirection.Out)? 0 : 1;

	if (direction == FadeDirection.Out) {
		while (alpha >= fadeEndValue)
			SetColorImage (ref alpha, direction);
			yield return null;
		// disable the panel
		fadeOutUIImage.enabled = false; 
	} else {
		// active before changing alpha
		fadeOutUIImage.enabled = true; 
		while (alpha <= fadeEndValue)
			SetColorImage (ref alpha, direction);
			yield return null;

private void SetColorImage(ref float alpha, FadeDirection fadeDirection)
	fadeOutUIImage.color = new Color (fadeOutUIImage.color.r,fadeOutUIImage.color.g, fadeOutUIImage.color.b, alpha);
	alpha += Time.deltaTime / fadeTimer * ((fadeDirection == FadeDirection.Out)? -1 : 1) ;

public IEnumerator FadeAndLoadScene (string name, int nextScene) {
	// On call, first Fade In, then Load new scene
	yield return Fade (FadeDirection.In);
	if (nextScene == -2) {
		SceneManager.LoadScene (name);
	} else {

public void LoadLevel (string name) {
	StartCoroutine (FadeAndLoadScene (name, -2));

public void LoadNextLevel() {
	StartCoroutine (FadeAndLoadScene ("", SceneManager.GetActiveScene ().buildIndex + 1));

So go on now, I have some more Lectures do follow :wink:

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I’ve been looking over several sites trying to find a good solution where I can fade in and out over scenes.

You say that these solution worked for you, but i sitll can’t get it. On the tuto, it says that we need to add a Raw Image, but then I can’t asign it to the script. How could you manage to make it functional?

Thank you!!

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