Error when compiling code UnrealString.h error not BullCowCartridge.cpp

Hi I have been going along well & had everything working. When i moved some psuedo code around i now get the error below. I am lost as it isnt in my bullcowgame.cpp but in the UnrealString.h header file. image of error and code below. Has anyone seen this before or know of a fix?


Unreal header code

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#include "BullCowCartridge.h"

void UBullCowCartridge::BeginPlay() // When the game starts


    PrintLine(TEXT("The Hidden Word is: %s"), *HiddenWord); // Debug Line

void UBullCowCartridge::OnInput(const FString& Input) // When the player hits enter
    if (bGameOver)
    else //Checking Player Guess

void UBullCowCartridge::SetUpGame()     //Setting up Game Parameters

    HiddenWord = (TEXT("cakes"));
    Lives = HiddenWord.Len();
    bGameOver = false;

    // Welcome to Game
    PrintLine(TEXT("Hello welcome to Bull Cow Game!!"));
    PrintLine(TEXT("Guess the %i letter Isogram word"), HiddenWord.Len());
    PrintLine(TEXT("You Have %i to guess the isogram"), Lives);   //show Lives at start. number of lives = length of word
    PrintLine(TEXT("Type in your guess and \npress enter to continue....."));


void UBullCowCartridge::EndGame() //set gamestate to true & Ask to PlayAgain 

        bGameOver = true;
        PrintLine(TEXT("Press enter to play again"));


    //check Input for isogram
void UBullCowCartridge::ProcessGuess(FString Guess)   //checking for correct guess
    if (Guess == HiddenWord)   //Correct answer notify of win, Ask to PlayAgain
        PrintLine(TEXT("Well done you have guessed \nthe Hidden Word!"));

    if (Lives < 1)     //check Lives is greater than 0 if less lose game and show HiddenWord
        PrintLine(TEXT("You have lost"));
        PrintLine(TEXT("The hidden word was %s"), HiddenWord);  

    if (Guess.Len() != HiddenWord.Len())  // checking length of word wrong and advise but do not remove a life
        PrintLine(TEXT("The Length of the word is not correct. \nIt is a %i Letter Word"), HiddenWord.Len());
        PrintLine(TEXT("you have %i lives left"), Lives);

    if (Guess.Len() == HiddenWord.Len())  // checking length of word correct but answer is wrong remove a life
        PrintLine(TEXT("The length is correct but the answer is \nwrong"));
        PrintLine(TEXT("You have lost a live, \nyou have %i lives left"), Lives);

Missing *

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Thanks Dan,
I went back through chapter 46 & this makes sense now. learning code is hard but fun :grinning:

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