Environment: Rocks and trees

The product of me practicing with the rocks, trees and other stuff learned during this course. I still want to apply some more color to the temple thing, but it took me way longer to make than I thought it would and I’m actually quite happy with the shapes so I think it’s presentable and I can always come back to it later.

Main things I ran into and I’d love to understand were:
How do I make my own UV map (for the temple in this case). Do you map it in blender, then export and start drawing in a different editor and then import it back into blender? - Maybe it’d be easier to apply different textures to different parts of the object… But if I want some inconsistencies for example… What then.

When creating objects that you intend to use for a game environment, how far do you go in terms of the creation in blender? Thinking in terms of:
Do you create an entire scene and import a whole scene? Wouldn’t it be better to just have seperate objects that you can still move around and apply attributes to?
Do you need to apply any form of lighting? Don’t you just do that in the end environment? Or do you need to do it in blender to create the “maps” which you then import with the object?
Not even speaking about characters and animation (i understand that’s a whole different topic), but just in general. What is the workflow for something that you want to use in a game environment - when can you say “this object is good as is, I can tweak the final things in the end environment”:



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Looking good LP rocks and trees.

You have to remember games are not the sole use of Blender by a long way.

UV maps are made in Blender, I expect the course to get to doing that later. Even if in a simple way. You do not ‘draw’ the map as such, though you may ‘paint’ a texture colour onto an image the UV map then uses.

It tends to be making individual ‘assets’ that are then taken into some game engine and then adapted to their system. Optimising the textures into one set, baking them to one set, is done in Blender.

Just follow through the course as it is produced and much of what you ask will probably be covered or mentioned, Grant is always game oriented.

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