Elijah's .blend Lemonade Stand #1 20160620

I’m not sure how well personal threads go. I know this is supposed to be a center of discussion. But with a little trial and error, maybe I can twist this into something that works.

Let’s go through the process.

I give you my progress: “Hey, I’m currently doing Section 5 (Animated Lamp)”

You give me:

  • Simple projects that can be completed within two days.
  • OR A request for a fresh set of eyes on your project (additional terms apply).

I’ll do my best to fulfill the interesting requests. Please keep my skill level in mind.

This is not a service. Just a way to share new findings or tackle small problems together.

I will also do a write-ups on what was accomplished.

Anyway, the stand is open for business.

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Cool idea, remember to use the Share button to bring users in from the Blender Facebook Group to garner support for your idea.

Nice to have you here Elijah.

Thanks, Ben! I guess it’s a little early to be expecting too much traffic here.

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