Depth Render

Instead of choosing an object to focus closer to the camera, i decided to render the shots with the focus on an object in the distance.


Can I share this on the showcase page?


of course!

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Great renders!

Where is this showcase page? :slight_smile:

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No idea never heard of it! lol.

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Maybe that’s a new initiative? :thinking:

I think it’s a good idea to have a place somewhere on the :leaf: that showcases good student’s work (maybe not only the best ones - as it might build unrealistic expectation, but mixing best one with good ones).


Yes but, that may be a tricky balance.

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it might be apart of his streams or background interviews @Kevin-Brandon has on his profile.
check him out tons of meet and greets with tons of knowledge.

Which profile are you talking about?

sorry meant “Portfolio”… left click his name and click portfolio. When there you can see his activity section with where I expect he is referring to.

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