I believe that whenever we declare a variable “const”, the value will remain locked in as a constant and will not change.
I think that a const variable will not be allowed to change in the future
The keyword const prevents the variable from being changed after it has been declared.
Something like it never changes, like a constat, I mean is not possible to changes it
I know for a fact that const is shortened from constant. When we will type const before declaring integers it will make sure the value of the integer is constant or same in the whole program.
I think if you put const before an variable you cannot change it later in the program.
Const keeps the declared data or variable to be the same and unchanged once the program is read and run.
const is the abbreviation of “constant”. As the word suggests, this variable is constant and it cannot be changed.
I’m guessing const means constant? So it would make sure that what ever I’m declaring becomes the natural or base state of that thing?
const means constant which indicates that no matter what we do the variable will not change
The keyword const by me means that the initialized values given to the variables would remain fix and wont change even if you give new value to the variable below it. No matter what you will do the the variable’s value wont be changing.
I think that const makes a variable unchangable kind of like a tuple in python
i believe that const will keep the variable constant not varying
Well, I think that it tell the compiler, that this “variable” is now fixed, and any attempts to overwrite it won’t work. I don’t if it will return an error, or just go to the next line of code, but that’s my guess.
To keep your variables constant or “unchangeable” …
I would say that const makes it so that the variable can’t be changed after declaration (since i’m pretty sure it is short for constant), that way if you accidentally initialize it again afterwards, it won’t change.
I’m a beginner at this, only know some basic html, so I’m just guessing. Const is probably short for constant, so maybe that means the variable cannot be changed? or perhaps that integer will always be present on the screen? That is my guess, let’s see how off I am
const declares the variable to remain that value throughout the entire function/code. It cannot be redeclared.
the variable becomes a constant, the value of which cannot be change once it is declared.