I think const means constant. Which makes the number put into the variable never change.
I think Constant variables mean the values of that variable won’t ever change from what it’s been set as.
Declaring a variable as a const makes it a constant that cannot be changed later on in the code
I think const means constant - so it sets our integer to a constant int that cannot be changed later, even if we change it later in code or at runtime.
It makes it a constant which is unalterable.
I think that const
is a keyword in C++ that locks the variable from changing values since he explained the definition of a variable.
The const will stop the variable from changing making it a constant
Hello, const
means that the value of the variable cannot be reasigned later in the code and that this value is fixed.
I think const
will keep the declared variable the same as when it was declared through out the program. It might also throw in an error if you try to change it.
Const will not allow to assign a new value.I’ve had an expirience with other programming language,so I am pretty sure of it.
In my opinion it’s shortened constans which means that it doesn’t change. So I guess that when you put this before integer it will not change through the whole program even if you want it.
What i think the const does is that it makes our variables unable to change. Meaning that it makes whatever we declare our variable to be a fixed value and cannot be changed at any point in our code.
I think it keeps the specific variable locked in a constant value that you set it to, to allow you to change the variable on similarly named variables.
It makes the variable being constant, so that the variable is unchangeable.
I believe const keeps the variable constant and when compiled you will get the set value of that variable
const likely stands for either “consistent” or “constant.” It means that once you initialize that variable, if you include “const” at the beginning, then no matter what you do to the code it will not change the value of that variable.
I think it means, a constant value and it can not be changed.
I think const is shortening of constant so when we declare a variable with const int, we can not assign a new variable to it later on.
The variable will become unmodifiable due to it having a "const"ant value.
I think it does not allow the int to be changed