Debug Assertion Failed

I was told earlier that this would be explained later in the course but I still haven’t seen the solution. I’m getting a Debug Assertion Failed error when I type in the proper amount of letters for the isogram whether its the actual word or not. Whenever the hiddenwordlength is equal to the amount of letters i put i get the error. Is anyone else getting this error? If it is explained later, can you tell me which video it’s in?

Here’s my source code


/* This is the console executable, that makes us of the BullCow class
This acts as the view in a MVC pattern, and is responsible for all
user interaction. For game logic see the FBullCowGame class.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "FBullCowGame.h"

using FText = std::string;
using int32 = int;

void PrintIntro();
void PlayGame();
FText GetValidGuess();
bool AskToPlayAgain();
void PrintGameSummary();

FBullCowGame BCGame; // instantiate a new game

// the entry point for our application
int main()
	bool bPlayAgain = false;
		// TODO add a game summary
		bPlayAgain = AskToPlayAgain();
	} while (bPlayAgain);
	return 0;

void PrintIntro() 
	//introduce the game
	std::cout << "\n\nWelcome to Bulls and Cows, a fun word game.\n";
	std::cout << "Can you guess the " << BCGame.GetHiddenWordLength();
	std::cout << " letter isogram I'm thinking of?\n";
	std::cout << std::endl;

void PlayGame()
	int32 MaxTries = BCGame.GetMaxTries();

	// loop asking for guesses while the game 
	// is NOT won and there are still tries remaining

	while (!BCGame.IsGameWon() && BCGame.GetCurrentTry() <= MaxTries) {
		FText Guess = GetValidGuess();

		// submit valid guess to the game, and receive counts
		FBullCowCount BullCowCount = BCGame.SubmitValidGuess(Guess);

		std::cout << "Bulls = " << BullCowCount.Bulls;
		std::cout << ". Cows = " << BullCowCount.Cows << "\n\n";

// loop continually until the user gives a valid guess
FText GetValidGuess()
	FText Guess = "";
	EGuessStatus Status = EGuessStatus::Invalid_Status;
	do {
		int32 CurrentTry = BCGame.GetCurrentTry();
		std::cout << "Try " << CurrentTry << ". Enter your guess: ";
		FText Guess = "";
		std::getline(std::cin, Guess);

		Status = BCGame.CheckGuessValidity(Guess);

		switch (Status)
		case EGuessStatus::Wrong_Length:
			std::cout << "Please enter a " << BCGame.GetHiddenWordLength() << " letter word.\n";
		case EGuessStatus::Not_Isogram:
			std::cout << "Please enter a word without repeating letters.\n";
		case EGuessStatus::Not_Lowercase:
			std::cout << "Please enter all lowercase letters.\n";
			// assume guess is valid
		std::cout << std::endl;
	} while (Status != EGuessStatus::OK); // keep looping until no errors
	return Guess;

bool AskToPlayAgain()
	std::cout << "Do you want to play again with the same hidden word (y/n)? ";
	FText Response = "";
	std::getline(std::cin, Response);

	return (Response[0] == 'y') || (Response[0] == 'Y');

void PrintGameSummary() {
	if (BCGame.IsGameWon())
		std::cout << "WELL DONE - YOU WIN!\n";
		std::cout << "Netter luck next time!\n";


#pragma once
#include <string>

using FString = std::string;
using int32 = int;

struct FBullCowCount
	int32 Bulls = 0;
	int32 Cows = 0;

enum class EGuessStatus 

class FBullCowGame {
	FBullCowGame(); // constructor

	int32 GetMaxTries() const;
	int32 GetCurrentTry() const;
	int32 GetHiddenWordLength() const;
	bool IsGameWon() const;
	EGuessStatus CheckGuessValidity(FString) const;

	void Reset(); // TODO make a more rich return value.
	// counts bulls and cows, and increases try number assuming valid guess
	FBullCowCount SubmitValidGuess(FString);

	// see constructor for initialisation
	int32 MyCurrentTry;
	int32 MyMaxTries;
	FString MyHiddenWord;
	bool bGameIsWon;

	bool IsIsogram(FString) const;
	bool isLowercase(FString) const;


#include "FBullCowGame.h"
#include <map>
#define TMap std::map

using int32 = int;


int32 FBullCowGame::GetMaxTries() const { return MyMaxTries; }
int32 FBullCowGame::GetCurrentTry() const { return MyCurrentTry; }
int32 FBullCowGame::GetHiddenWordLength() const { return MyHiddenWord.length(); }
bool FBullCowGame::IsGameWon() const { return bGameIsWon; }

void FBullCowGame::Reset()
	constexpr int32 MAX_TRIES = 8;
	const FString HIDDEN_WORD = "planet";

	MyMaxTries = MAX_TRIES;
	MyHiddenWord = HIDDEN_WORD;
	MyCurrentTry = 1;
	bGameIsWon = false;

EGuessStatus FBullCowGame::CheckGuessValidity(FString Guess) const
	if (!IsIsogram(Guess)) // if guesss isn't an isogram
		return EGuessStatus::Not_Isogram;
	else if (!isLowercase(Guess)) // if the guesss isn't all lowercase
		return EGuessStatus::Not_Lowercase; // TODO write function
	else if (Guess.length() != GetHiddenWordLength()) // if the guess length is wrong
		return EGuessStatus::Wrong_Length;
		return EGuessStatus::OK;


// receives a VALID guess, increments turn, and returns count
FBullCowCount FBullCowGame::SubmitValidGuess(FString Guess)
	FBullCowCount BullCowCount;
	int32 WordLength = MyHiddenWord.length(); // assuming same length as guess

	//loop through all letters in the hidden word
	for (int32 MHWChar = 0; MHWChar < WordLength; MHWChar++) {
		//compare letters against the guess
		for (int32 GChar = 0; GChar < WordLength; GChar++) {
			//if they match then
			if (Guess[GChar] == MyHiddenWord[MHWChar]) {
				// if they're in the same place
				if (MHWChar == GChar) {
					BullCowCount.Bulls++; // increment bulls
				// else
				else {
					BullCowCount.Cows++; // must be a cow
	if (BullCowCount.Bulls == WordLength) {
		bGameIsWon = true;
		bGameIsWon = false;
	return BullCowCount;

bool FBullCowGame::IsIsogram(FString Word) const
	// treat 0 and 1 letter words as isograms
	if (Word.length() <= 1) { return true; }

	TMap< char, bool > LetterSeen; // setup our map
	for (auto Letter : Word)
		Letter = tolower(Letter); // handle mixed case
		if (LetterSeen[Letter]) { // if the letter is in the map
			return false; // we do not have an isogram
			LetterSeen[Letter] = true; // add the letter to the map as seen

	return true; // for example in case where /0 is entered

bool FBullCowGame::isLowercase(FString Word) const
	for (auto Letter : Word)
		if (!islower(Letter)) // if not a lowercase letter
			return false;
	return true;

Because you are creating a new variable for your guess in this function within the do-while loop. Meaning the guess you enter to the SubmitGuess function will be an empty string

// loop continually until the user gives a valid guess
FText GetValidGuess()
	FText Guess = "";
	EGuessStatus Status = EGuessStatus::Invalid_Status;
	do {
		int32 CurrentTry = BCGame.GetCurrentTry();
		std::cout << "Try " << CurrentTry << ". Enter your guess: ";
		FText Guess = ""; //Creating a new variable local to do-while loop
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So are you saying I should remove the second FText Guess? I’m confused.

Ok, I think I gotcha. Thanks for the help!

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