CYOQ: Cyber hunter

The year is 2315. All humans are augmented in a way or the other. The rich do it through DNA manipulations early in the conception of a child. The middle class can afford some DNA changes of lesser quality (with potential side effects), assisted with physical cyber implants. The less fortunate resort in low quality implants, or exchange functioning organs and appendages for high quality cyber implants.

You were raised as an orphan. You never noticed how better your reflexes were compared to others. You jumped higher, ran faster, and remembered everything. Like everyone else, you took the state tests to determine the schools you can qualify for. You think you did OK, but have no specific expectations. All you want is to become an engineer and work to develop new implants and bio modifications. One day after your test, on your 21st birthday, there’s a knock at the door. You open. Your world is never going to be the same after this encounter.


PLEASE make this! I love this story already!

Ay ay! Neuromancer + Deus Ex!!!
I like it!!!

I love the theme of this game. How has it been going?

I am still working on it. I have a short story. I am about to continue the course to finish the basic setup. Thank you for your interest. I really like the concept.

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