Continue Button not working as supposed to in Asteroid Avoider game

This one puzzled me for a bit, as when I paused the game after returning from Continue, the StarSparrow object under the player was missing… which means that something must have destroyed it.

So I went through each script, and I could find nothing that would destroy the player’s ship object.
So outside of play, I looked at the child object itself and discovered that there was an Asteroid script on it. This was causing the ship to destroy itself when the player collides with another asteroid. Remove that component, and you’ll be back up and running (flying).

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Big thanks for helping me fix the player issue! You were spot on :heart_eyes:—I had an extra script that was messing things up.

Quick question: Now my Score UI isn’t showing up after an ad. Got any quick tips?

Thanks a bunch!

ok i fixed it by adding this line to continuegame method in gameoverhandler class

if (scoreUI != null) scoreUI.SetActive(true);

and now after closing the ad i can see that score ui is active and working as supposed to. Thank you so much :pray:

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