Combat with Casters

Question for Nathan about the 3rd person combat course:- How will Combat with enemies work if the Player is a caster or has a bow, like the player being outside of the enemies chase radius when they attack, won`t the enemy just stand there, or if the enemy is a castor how would blocking work etc

Hey @flashblade, in the RPG Combat course this was done the following: the attack range is always smaller than the chase range > this forces the enemy to first run to the player and then start attacking.

The ranged projectiles had a collider (same as the sword here) that would trigger the damage on collision. If you had a bow, we instantiated the arrow and added a force to move it toward the player. You can check out my suggested solution for that course here Updated - Projectile Parabola Motion and Rotation (Projectiles fly on an arc)

Later in the course we add an Aggro state that will force the enemy into chase state IF he is attacked by the player. He will also Aggro any other enemies around him (ex: if theres 3 guards one near the other and you attack one of them , ALL will start attacking you )

Hi @mihaivladan I know they do it in the RPG course I was wondering whether it would be added in the 3rd person combat course.

I don’t think this will be implemented. It was mentioned in the last videos the next course section is for Advanced interactions - Jump / Climb / Dodge. That’s why I mentioned the RPG course. If you already finished that one, you can either make a new state or modify the current Attacking state to include a Projectile class that will handle the instantiating of arrows/spells.

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