Clarifications on two questions in Quiz 5


I’ve just finished Quiz 5, and I have some issues with two of the questions that I wanted to have clarified:

Question 4:
How do you create an empty GameObject in the root of the Hierarchy?

I believe there are two correct-ish answers here:

  • Right click in the Hierarchy > “Create Empty”
  • Click “Create” > “Create Empty Child”

I’m not sure if both are categorized as correct in the quiz, but they both rely on having no game object selected in the scene to create an object at the root of the Hierarchy. I guess maybe I think there should be some clarification on the question because it made me stop and think a bit about it.

The other question I had comments on was:

Question 5:
Assuming these objects haven’t been renamed, what is the selected item?

I chose

  • Game Object

because there isn’t enough information to definitely say that it’s empty. It could simply be a horribly named project and that’s the player, with scripts and components attached.

Or do we consider

  • Empty GameObject

to be the correct answer because we say an Empty GameObject is one with no child objects in the hierarchy? This is not what I would call an Empty GameObject from my experiences. I’ve tried to google, and can’t find a clear definition of “Empty GameObject”

I agree the question #5 seems to treat the wrong answer as if it was correct. The question presumes the term “empty” to mean an object with no children, but Unity and the instructors throughout the course consistently use the term “empty” to mean a GameObject with no components, just a transform. As you point out, there is not enough information to know if it is an “empty GameObject”. The only thing we can be sure of is that it is a “GameObject” because of the qualification that no renaming had occurred.

Thus given the constraints set forth in the question and the terminology used by the instructors, “GameObject” should be the correct answer. There is insufficient information to make the claim that “empty GameObject” is the most correct answer.

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