City Street

My first shot at creating a Scene with unity :smiley:

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Hi Baris, welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

Great looking scene, well done, nice use of materials there to add a splash of colour too - pedestrians are a nice addition - well done :slight_smile:

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Hey Rob,

thank you very much for your Feedback :smiley: . It is quite a lot of fun to work with unity and I’m really looking forward to the rest of the course, especially the coding parts.

Best regards,


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You’re very welcome :slight_smile:

This exercise is mainly about getting you comfortable with Unity and getting you used to some of the scene view controls, it’s also a great opportunity to exhibit some creativity, which you’ve done wonderfully :slight_smile:

Project Boost will introduce you to some coding too, and you’ll get to blast a rocket (or other object) around and crash it into things - what could be more fun! :slight_smile:

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