Challenge - Barn

Here is my challenge. Its based on a barn near my neighbor hood. Three objects, each with done slightly differently:

The Silo is a cylinder was extruded once and top vertices were merged at center.

The Barn was extruded up twice. Each time the top vertices were scaled on the X axis. And finally the top 4 vertices were merged at center in two different operations; once for the front, once for the back.

The Roof was trickiest of all. I tried 4 or 5 techniques before I found something that I just ended up brute forcing my way through. So the way I did it was to turn on “snap”, snap with “closest” and “align rotation to target”. Then I added 4 cubes to the scene and moved them to each of the separate sections at the top of the barn. This gave me the z axis rotation for each roof plain.

Then I painstakingly grabbed each face of each cube and moved it around to cover the roof to the exact edge. Then I extruded the top and bottoms of each panel to cover the gaps. Then I focused on each individual overlap section (6 total, 3 front, 3 back) and merged the vertices until I ended up with something that looked correct. Finally I raised the bottom set of vertices to give it a lower bump-out.


You have put a lot of effort in this one.
But don’t make it too difficult yet.
Because there are techniques which makes it easier.
But a job well done!

I tried to do the barn like yours with the roof, but I couldn’t get it right. Well done. Really impressed.

I think the only thing I would have done differently to you here is the roof: I would have created a duplicate of the barn itself without moving it (object mode), then on the duplicate (edit mode), extrude the upper four faces to the roof’s thickness, remove the overlapping faces (i.e. everything you didn’t just extrude), scale (or extrude again!) the new parts for the overhang, and then extrude the lower edges (eyeballing the angle at this stage of the course) for the side overhang.

Turned out nicely the way you did it, regardless :slight_smile:

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