Chalk Defender: I Hate Fractions!

Finished my game. It’s called Chalk Defender: I Hate Fractions!
I made it for the kids I teach to get discussions started about fractions and it turned out pretty fun.


This was super fun. As a suggestion the coloured chalk fractions could fire arrows of their own colour

Thanks man! Appreciate the feedback. The coloured projectiles makes so much sense. I really don’t know why I didn’t think of it… By the way, that High Score is so much higher than I could manage. You really don’t like fractions!!!

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lol must be because I suck at Math in general.

First, my score! I had to stop… xD

The game is really fun, just one tip.
See that? That’s the Unity Fullscreen button being covered by the Itch fullscreen button. That’s why, if I someone goes fullscreen, the Unity bar will stay underneath, remove one to avoid that issue, I highly suggest, in this particular case, to remove the Itch option so you don’t have too rebuild your game.

Amazing job, I really wished I had a teacher like you when I was in elementary school.

Wow nice pick up Yee! I didn’t even notice that. I’ll keep this in mind for all my builds now. How are you guys managing such high scores! I must just really suck at this type of game… I’ll get to share it with my kids today and I have a feeling they’ll struggle with the finger dexterity to move quick enough on the arrow keys but if they manage scores in the thousands, I’m lowering the health or upping the projectile release speed! Love the screen shot too!!!

The kids actually really enjoyed it! They couldn’t manage a higher Score than 200 so I’m happy with the complexity now.

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Well in my case the trick was just finding the patterns that you have put in place for the waves and ducking when necessary hehehe… I managed a new high score yesterday before quitting for dinner. Also playing all the rocket boost games and your game makes me realise how bad my keyboard is lol.


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