Cavaty map

somehow my oger looks strange after applying the cavity map… i think its not supposed to look like this :thinking:

like this he is looking with the texture map only in render mode

there are some dark sopts on the hands, arms and ears. i think this is because of the previous steps. with over laps and stretches… right?
how to solve this? going back and make new retopology and uv map? or only uv map? somehow i have the feeling it would be more nice and maybe easy to make the retopology in the proffesional way…

and this it is looking before any uv map…

Try baking using some extrusion, it really makes a difference in baking.

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hi NP5
thank you for your answer. but i dont know how i can use extrusion to make baking. somehow i have the feeling you dont mean the command Grant explains us in edit mode with the e keystroke… :roll_eyes:

i found today a metode described by another member of the community. Cavity Map won’t bake - Blender Courses / Ask -

this method worked rely good. i had to rewatch the video thou to remember how to make the baking. i have the feeling there is a lot to remember… i see no chance to remember all this, i dont see any logic in this (yet) just pure remembering, making notes or rewatch the video. where i think to rewatch is the most easy.
i think this video course is awsame! the community great! its so enjoyfull to learn all this new things. i`m blown away with the progress!
on this point again a big thank you to all!

this is now the low poly in render mode

Sorry Extrusion (in baking) is a parameter right there in the panel for baking, it shows in your first image, above ‘max ray distance’.

Yes, the cage method is very effective, but added complexity, which I guess is why it is not used in the lectures.

Yes, it is a very tight, controlled, tightrope of process. Having a checklist is not a bad way to go about baking until you have done it often enough for it to be second nature. Depends on the person too, my nephew seems to recall every shortcut I ever mention once, I take ages and constant use to recall anything. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Great i will try this extrusion.
Cage is great but i just realised, it is so much more work to do this with every single part, that i’m happy when there is a shorter way to make the cavaty map.:pray::+1:

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Nope, for some stange reason it wont bake the cavaty map properly. for some parts, like the horns it was working. but for some not. i spend a lot of time to read and try, and watch tutorials… now i found another way to do it, and till now it seems to work. i found this very simple tip in this video.
at 8:28 for everybody who also wants to see
(2) Texturing Stylized Faces - Blender 3 - YouTube
there he is not baking diffuse, but emit. i dont know the difference, the bake looks more white thou.
and it actually works :partying_face:

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