Can someone tell me what the spin axes do?

Hi everyone!

So During this course, I like to just jot down a few notes / key or repeating ideas as it helps me remember and learn. In the operator panel at the spin settings, can someone tell me what the axes actually mean? and why X and Y are set to 0 but Z is left untouched?

The blender specification defines it as:

Specify the spin axis as a vector. By default it uses the view axis (viewport).

But what does this mean?

All help is greatly appreciated,

Essentially the spin extrudes the vertices in a circle along whichever axes you need it to. The axes are the direction the spin takes place in. This model is set up to have the spin take place in the X and Y directions. If the model needed a vertical spin then the Z axes would have been used, but since it was already high enough, Z is not used.

I thought the Blender Reference Manual did a good job at explaining it when I was just starting out.

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Spin is very much like a “rotational extrude”

Thanks very much for the explanation. I recalled something in the early stages of the course:

Imagine a skewer goes through the axis and rotates it.

So its only in Z as it spins around z. X and Y are left untouched because they not needed.

Imagine a skewer goes through the axis and rotates it.

That’s about it, but in order for it to rotate, the spin angle needs to be changed.

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