Building Escape Final Challenge - Question

Hello all,

Wasn’t sure were to put this, I like to talk for a bit then get to the question, so, I put this is “Talk” rather than “Ask”.

After sitting on this lecture for a bit trying to come up with an idea for the final challenge and I finally did, I was however surprised with the lecturers assertion that the level should take no longer than about 5 hours to do - yeah, right it is at least going to take me a few days maybe even a week.

I was jazzed to see that the lecturer recommended using the “Medieval Dungeon” pack, I thought that will definitely get my limited amount of design juices flowing to come up with a level rather than my boring excuse for a level (with lighting that won’t work, and always reloading shaders everytime I start). Anyway I went to the asset store, found the one he recommended, got it ready to add to my projects and … “No compatible user projects found”. So my question is does anybody know of a good asset that’s free that has doors in it that will work with our code and 4.27? I would be prepared to spend up to say $15 if it good asset and has “doors” built in with pivot points like we used this whole lecture if it’s just static meshes - I wouldn’t know where to start - it’s one requirement that is non-negotiable…

As always any help is greatly appreciated.


I searched around and found a medieval door on TurboSquid, one that I really liked - I checked the description from the creator and it said that “the door could be animated to open in a realistic manner.” I said, “that’s the one I need” the cost was $15 US right on my limit, so, I bought it. Imported it into my blank level and … there is no pivot point at the side of the door, so, the door can’t be opened as it doesn’t work with the code we got in the course, in reality, it’s a waste of money. So, I still need a good door.

Any recommendations?

Hi friend! I’m not sure what you mean by pivot point - does the rotation of the door happen at the end of the door with the knob?, or are the door and the frame one static mesh? If the issue is that the door is rotating from the center and not from the side, you should be able to adjust where the actual static mesh is in comparison to the Root Component in the blueprint editor for that actual door. I’m not sure if I’m understanding your issue correctly though, forgive me if I digress.

I can’t speak on a good asset pack, as I just get everything that’s free every month and add it to my collection, but I think there are doors included in the Edith Finch packs that are for free. I used a mixture of the Cave pack and the Construction zones packs to make my final level. I added the open door code to the porta-jon door. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

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Yes it, rotates in the centre - very disappointing! The thing is I don’t know how to adjust the pivot point, I would adjust it myself if I knew how, and I don’t know anything at all about blueprints apart from what we did in this course which was to setup the “Pawn”, a topic I really need to revisit again and again. I did modify the default sounds in Unreal using the blueprint but the YouTube video on that was very clear on how it was done.

Thanks for the recommendations I will check them out immediately

Hahahaha - that sounds hilarious!

Based on what you said, and making it seem like not a big deal, I decided to look into this and I found a YouTube vid that discussed this issue! Change Pivot on Mesh and with some trial and error, I finally got very close to setting the pivot at the side of the door maybe a couple of pixels out - so I’m stoked! I wouldn’t have looked into it without your post!

A huge thankyou!!!

That’s excellent to hear!! Sorry for the late response, I just saw these messages. I ran into that issue before as well, actually almost everything that I’ve imported so far has needed some adjustment. Best of luck with your studies! :slight_smile:

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