Build An Obstacle Course - D.E.AR. 42 Test Level (video)

The first version of D.E.A.R 42 adventure was quite pleasant to do :blush:

I started with a quick sketch of the scene composition:

Then I built the space shuttle to have good proportions:

Then I destroyed it :smiling_imp: :

And here is the result:

With more polish and better 3D models, this could be a fun mini-game :smirk:


:grin: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: cool~!


Whoa! Thatโ€™s rad!

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Hi. Back to business after a necessary break and the loss of the original files :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This is an opportunity to take a step back and reorganize some elements of the project. Exit the first and second external tanks, which are not coherent in this environment. Here is a new space shuttle, ready to crash :boom:

Next steps: Compose a new level with Unity placeholders, then go into Blender to add some flavor to everything :blush:

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Hi. Here is the new version of the scene composition and level design :smirk:

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And here is what it looks like in Unity :blush:

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And if you want to try yourself, here is the topic about prototype(s) :slightly_smiling_face:

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