Brick Breaker with lives

Hey all!

Thought I would share my version of brick breaker so far. I added lives and a level complete scene.

Considering adding power-ups as well, but I wanted to get some feedback first :slight_smile:

Click Here to Play!

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Right I played the game and it’s very enjoyable. I love the particle effects you’ve placed and the sounds you’ve chosen (better than mine) and the existence of lives is very useful, not to mention the assets you have used are very impressive.

Ontop of that, add the random extra ball that appears, making the game more random and exciting and you have one hell of a good game there. However, I do have a few notes…

  1. I feel like the paddle is a bit high off the bottom of the screen. Could be just me though, but that’s my opinion of it.

  2. When a new ball is revealed it is the same colour as the main ball, which resulted in a lost life as I failed to keep track of both balls at the same time. Maybe have the new ball a different shade or something?

  3. When I progressed to the second level the lives had stayed what they were previously, but the text was missing on the second level and I’m not sure why. That’s something to have a look at.

Regardless, it was very enjoyable, however it took quite a while to load but I assume that’s because it’s quite a big game here (I’m sure mine will probably take a while too) but still, it was quite enjoyable and I hope this feedback has been very helpful.

Thanks for the feedback, Aron!

Sounds like I have some bugs to squash when I get home from work :stuck_out_tongue:

cool, on the other thread I posted some problems i’m having. The only time the GUI text appears is when I place it on my background and not the lose collider. also I’ve been unable to get lives to work well with the lose collider either.

considering this issue I did delete both components to try again, but the lose collider it never shows up so I may have to make a script that links to the lose collider to make it work.

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